Halff performed site civil and drainage design services for the Goya Foods manufacturing and distribution facility outside of Houston in Brookshire, Texas.
The 130-acre campus is the headquarters and primary western hub for Goya, including state-of-the-art food processing technology and efficiency. During the first phase of the development, Halff designed the drainage system in accordance with drainage district design criteria. We also designed a detention pond with a storage volume of 20 acre-feet and an ultimate storage volume of 40 acre-feet. The design also includes a concrete overflow structure that drains into Willow Fork Creek.
Much of the site is within the 100-year floodplain and mapped as Zone A. Halff prepared an improved hydraulic analysis of Willow Fork Creek to establish the proper Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for the site, which proved to be lower than the existing elevations of much of the property. Halff submitted a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) to FEMA to bring most of the site out of the mapped floodplain.